Presidents Distinguished for 09-10

Canning Vale members chalked up awards at an alarming rate this year and the club has reached Presidents Distinguished status once again. Here are the achievers for the year.Mick Turner & Colin Sears both received their CC award in July 09 from President Peter Jordan.

 Robyn Richards receives her ACB award and Phyll Lightbody receives her CC and CL award from Peter Jordan in July 09.



 John Palmer receives his CC award
from Peter Jordan in Sept 2009 & Andre receives his CC award from VPE Mark Richards.



Mike Palmer receives his ACB award from Peter Jordan in Oct 2009

Diana Veitch recieves her ACB award in Nov 2009


Ephraim Osaghae receives his CC award and John Palmer his CL award in November 2009


Jenny Ramshaw receives her CC award in Nov 2009 and Andre Sequeira receives his CL award in Jan 2010 from President Peter Jordan.


Robyn Richards receives her ACS award and Billy Griffiths his ACB award from VPE Mark Richards in April 2010.