Jewel in the Crown Convention



The District Convention “Jewel in the Crown” was held on the 24-26 May 2013 at the Kings Perth Hotel. 15 Canning Vale members attended the Convention with the club winning the Balang Award for most members at the Convention. We were also successful in winning the Marvellous Membership ribbon and the PPP award for the best publicised club.

CVTM banner enters the Convention

Here are a few highlights of the Convention.

CVTM members at the Opening Ceremony


Convention Ribbon
CVTM wins the Balang Award


Marvellous Membership Ribbon


Emma was Contest Chair for the Humorous Contest







Hunorous Speech contest winner – Robyn Lloyd










Humorous winners – Robyn Lloyd 1st – Neville Simmons 2nd – Richards Miles 3rd





Phyll with the SAA









International Speech contest winners – Martin Lindsay 1st – Peter Law 2nd – Ian Hart 3rd


Rory Vaden delivers a workshop





International Speech Champion – Martin Lindsay will now represent our District in Cincinatti Ohio USA in August












Robyn is elected as the LGET for District 17 2013/14


Flash promotes next years Convention in Mandurah which CVTM will be hosting



King Mark & Queen Robyn at the Gala Dinner








John & Phyll get Royal too








Fiona & William duel



Mike & Sam Palmer








Andre & Michele
Nero & Angela










The long and the short get down on the dance floor












The girls are having a blast
Angela & Nero danced the night away









CVTM members with International President & First Lady, John & Rebecca Lau


Mark & Robyn at the DTM Breakfast – Robyn accepted Peter Jordan’s DTM on his behalf


Murray Jorgenson was the first Western Division Governor for D73 and Robyn was the last


All DTMs gather at the DTM Breakfast
Niamh John & Phyll watch the Evaluation contest
Mike performed very well at the Evaluation contest











The Evaluation winners – John Pawley 1st – Lisa Evans 2nd – Peter Law 3rd




Table Topics winners – Stuart Hoare 1st – Maree Pickens 2nd – Tom Bielski 3rd







CVTM wins the Positive Promotion Premiership lead by our VPPR Fiona and President Michele




Nero wins the First Timers Quiz by getting John Lau’s signature at the last minute. He gets Rory Vaden’s book – Take the Stairs







William & Fiona are recognised for chartering the new club Willetton Toastmasters



Mark & Emma as Convention Chairs for 2014 lead the banner parade out of the Kings – Next year will be Power Up on the Peninsula in Mandurah











The 2013/14 District 17 Executive – DG Pascale A Colby – LGET Robyn Richards – LGM Ian Pickens – PRO Leonor Ragan – Division Governors Charles Fisher Central – Sue Fallon Northern – John Palmer Southern – IPDG Ross Wilkinson