Youth Leadership Course Helps Bob Achieve His Masters Degree

Recently Bob Glasheen, a member of Canning Vale Toastmasters, undertook the huge challenge of working with some students from a local high school to improve their public speaking skills. This project not only gave him the satisfaction of achieving his Masters Degree but also the satisfaction of seeing the enormous growth of the students he worked with.

Canning Vale Toastmasters Club wishes to recognise Bob for his wonderful effort in this project. We were very proud to receive the following article from the school’s newsletter.

” A group of students from Years 8 to 12 attending Lynwood Senior High School in Western Australia undertook a pilot Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program facilitated by Mr. Bob Glasheen. Mr Glasheen, a Charter Member of Canning Vale Toastmasters Club, is a school volunteer and former teacher. This course included Table Topics, Ice Breaker speeches and other speeches on topics of the student’s choice.

The course ran over an eight week period and students took on various roles including Toastmaster, Table Topics Master, Harkmaster (who asked the group questions about what had been said – improving listening skills) and interestingly the role of Gruntmaster, who reported back the number of “fillers” used such as “ah”, “um”, “like”, “you know”.  The students gave a number of speeches including an ice-breaker which is their very first presentation in front of an audience, impromptu speeches about a topic given by the Table Topics Master and other speeches with objectives to develop vocal variety, speech construction and body language. They learnt how to stand appropriately, use their voice and facial expressions, use gestures and make good eye contact to enhance their speeches. All speeches were timed to ensure the meetings were efficient. This will assist students in time management as they enter the workforce. Every speech was evaluated in the manner used by Toastmasters International which uses a C-R-C process (Commendations, Recommendations and Commendations). This form of evaluation shows the speaker the strong skills they already possess, some ways to improve their speech next time and the final Commendations leave them feeling good about their speech and eager to present again in the future.

The whole process helped students to develop confidence in public speaking and this was admirably shown at the Presentation Night on 28 October, 2009.  Parents and other members of the public attended and the Principal, Mr. Gary Anderson, presented the certificates to those who completed the course.  The successful students were Jack Kelly (Year 8) Denise Teoh (who could not speak a word of English when she started at the School in July, (Year 9), Billy Wickham (Year 11), Rhys James (Year 12) and Michael Lee (Year 12). Michael Lee was chosen to give the final speech to all Year 12s before they began their TEE.

The school is very grateful to Mr. Glasheen for his time, effort and expertise in presenting this program. We hope to be able to offer the course again in 2010. Any interested parents or students may contact the school for more information.”

Bob with the proud, graduating students.